Caio Terra Is Set For The Ultimate BJJ & No-Gi Seminar Of 2012!
Pennysylvania Combat Sports has done it again! We're bringing another Elite World Champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt to Greensburg, Pa...something that would have seemed unimaginable just a few years ago.
This time Caio Terra will be making a special seminar appearance, teaching both BJJ and No-Gi sessions on the SAME DAY. Saturday, September 1st is the date to clear on your calendar. You can pre-register before August 26th and recieve the early action discount on one or both seminars! Details below.
Caio has been on an unbelievable tear through the most prestigious grappling tournaments in the world. If you're even just mildly interested in improving your game, or are seriously on the hunt to collect those Gold have to learn what Caio is teaching.

So It Gets Even Better...
As a Special Bonus to this event, Professor Vicente Junior will also be in attendance as part of this One Day Jiu-Jitsu Mega-Seminar. That's TWO Pan Am Black Belt Champions on the mat at the same time, making sure you learn and understand these game changing techniques! We told you it was going to get better, right.
So to save some cash on the regisistration, make sure to visit the BJJ Ranked Seminars page and go through the secured online payment process BEFORE AUGUST 26th...after that the price goes up, but even at the regular rate its still a no-brainer to attend this seminar.
Pennsylvania Combat Sports members get special access, so be ready for some great photo op's folks. FYI, this event is open to other academies, and students of the sport as well.
See you on Spetember 1st!